To clarify what we mean by New Subscribers in the Subscribers Analytics dashboard:
A subscriber is considered "new" if they are creating their first subscription.
It's very important to use Time Range: All Time when using exports to find New accounts/subscribers, because we need a full history of every account to be able to properly remove all but the original subscription on an account.
Finding the New subscribers:
- Download the Subscribers export (Time Range: All Time, End date: selected timeframe end)
- Remove all but the first subscription associated with each unique account_code (remove new duplicates, but keep the original)
- Use the activated_at column to remove all dates prior (and after) the time range you are currently analyzing. For example, if you are looking at New Subscribers for March 2020, you would remove all dates before and after March 1 - March 31 2020 for this column.
- Sort by activated_at Descending, and ensure all activated dates are for the selected timeframe
- Count the number of rows for the count of new subscribers in the selected timeframe