We currently do not offer a report that provides this data in a straightforward way, however, you can use our Transactions export to pull the data you need.
Here are the steps you would take to get your total number of declined transactions first:
- Download the Transactions export under Analytics -> Exports and set the Time Range specifically for the period you need (Ex: If you need data for all of 2019, you can set the Time Range to "Year to Date")
- Once downloaded, use the "type" column to filter out refunds and authorizations so that only purchases are displayed.
- Filter the "status" column to only view declines. (Remove void, success, and processing)
- Once you have gone through these steps, you will be left with a list of declined transactions for that period. You can add these up get your total declined transactions.
Since you are calculating the percentage of declined for a specified period of time, you will also want to obtain the total number of transactions. To do this:
- Download the same Transactions export as above.
- Once downloaded, use the "type" column to filter out refunds and authorizations so that only purchases are displayed.
- Filter the "status" column to only view success and declines. (Now you would remove void and processing)
- Once you have gone through these steps, you will be left with a list of successful and declined transactions for that period. You can add these up to get your total transactions and use that to calculate the percentage of transactions that were declined. (Total # of declines / Total # of transactions = Percentage of declines for that specific time period (after you move the decimal place two spaces to the right).