Our subscription terms feature allows our merchants to create plans which can tie their customers to a specific contractual term length such as for an annual term but also keep the subscription billing monthly. This kind of plan would lock customer's into an annual subscription which billed monthly 12 times in total.
You'll want to first visit the Plans configuration page and click on New Plan to begin configuring a new plan to bill your customers with. The Billing Period section dictates on what interval your subscriptions will renew and bill at. If you set this to be Monthly, this means your subscriptions will bill every month on the closest day to when the subscription is purchased.
Once you scroll down to the Subscription Term section, this controls exactly how long your customers are locked into the subscription before they can cancel, and it also allows you to control what happens at the end of a term, will the subscription renew for another term, or will it automatically expire when finished? This would be something you'll need to consider when creating the plan around your specific use case.
Can I create an annual plan that bills monthly?
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