How can I match New vs. Renewing charges in Transactions with the Billings dashboard?

The way this works is that Recurly looks at the Account ID on every transaction and then checks to see if there are any other successful transactions attached to that account:


* If there are NOT any other successful transactions attached to that account, then the amount of that successful transaction is categorized as "New Billings," 


* If there are other successful transactions attached to that account, then the amount of that successful transaction is categorized as "Renewing Billings." 


In order to get to this, you have to download the Transactions export for All Time and then, for the time period you want to break down (New vs. Renewing billings), you'd have to look at the account_code and see if it shows up previously in any other transactions. 


If it does not, then that transaction would be categorized as "New." 

If it does, then that transaction would be categorized as "Renewing."




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